Atari Mega Archive 2
Atari Mega Archive CD - Volume 2.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
784 lines
* text.c - text output processing portion of nroff word processor
* adapted for atariST/TOS by Bill Rosenkranz 11/89
* net: rosenkra@hall.cray.com
* CIS: 71460,17
* original author:
* Stephen L. Browning
* 5723 North Parker Avenue
* Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
* history:
* - Originally written in BDS C;
* - Adapted for standard C by W. N. Paul
* - Heavily hacked up to conform to "real" nroff by Bill Rosenkranz
* - Adapted the justification of lines with escape codes
* by Wim 'Blue Baron' van Dorst (wsincc@tuerc3.urc.tue.nl)
#undef NRO_MAIN /* extern globals */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "nroff.h"
/* text */
text (p)
register char *p;
* main text processing
register int i;
char wrdbuf[MAXLINE];
* skip over leading blanks if in fill mode. we indent later.
* since leadbl does a robrk, do it if in .nf mode
if (dc.fill == YES)
if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r')
leadbl (p);
robrk ();
* expand escape sequences
expesc (p, wrdbuf);
* test for how to output
if (dc.ulval > 0)
* underline (.ul)
* Because of the way underlining is handled,
* MAXLINE should be declared to be three times
* larger than the longest expected input line
* for underlining. Since many of the character
* buffers use this parameter, a lot of memory
* can be allocated when it may not really be
* needed. A MAXLINE of 180 would allow about
* 60 characters in the output line to be
* underlined (remember that only alphanumerics
* get underlined - no spaces or punctuation).
underl (p, wrdbuf, MAXLINE);
if (dc.cuval > 0)
* continuous underline (.cu)
underl (p, wrdbuf, MAXLINE);
if (dc.boval > 0)
* bold (.bo)
bold (p, wrdbuf, MAXLINE);
if (dc.ceval > 0)
* centered (.ce)
center (p);
put (p);
else if ((*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') && dc.fill == NO)
* all blank line
put (p);
else if (dc.fill == NO)
* unfilled (.nf)
put (p);
* anything else...
* get a word and put it out. increment ptr to the next
* word.
while ((i = getwrd (p, wrdbuf)) > 0)
putwrd (wrdbuf);
p += i;
/* bold */
bold (p0, p1, size)
register char *p0;
register char *p1;
int size;
* insert bold face text (by overstriking)
register int i;
register int j;
j = 0;
for (i = 0; (p0[i] != '\n') && (j < size - 1); ++i)
if (isalpha (p0[i]) || isdigit (p0[i]))
p1[j++] = p0[i];
p1[j++] = '\b';
p1[j++] = p0[i];
p1[j++] = '\n';
p1[j] = EOS;
while (*p1 != EOS)
*p0++ = *p1++;
*p0 = EOS;
/* center */
center (p)
register char *p;
* center a line by setting tival
dc.tival = max ((dc.rmval + dc.tival - width (p)) >> 1, 0);
/* expand */
expand (p0, c, s)
register char *p0;
char c;
register char *s;
* expand title buffer to include character string
register char *p;
register char *q;
register char *r;
char tmp[MAXLINE];
p = p0;
q = tmp;
while (*p != EOS)
if (*p == c)
r = s;
while (*r != EOS)
*q++ = *r++;
*q++ = *p;
*q = EOS;
strcpy (p0, tmp); /* copy it back */
/* justcntr */
justcntr (p, q, limit)
register char *p;
char *q;
int *limit;
* center title text into print buffer
register int len;
len = width (p);
q = &q[(limit[RIGHT] + limit[LEFT] - len) >> 1];
while (*p != EOS)
*q++ = *p++;
/* justleft */
justleft (p, q, limit)
register char *p;
char *q;
int limit;
* left justify title text into print buffer
q = &q[limit];
while (*p != EOS)
*q++ = *p++;
/* justrite */
justrite (p, q, limit)
register char *p;
char *q;
int limit;
* right justify title text into print buffer
register int len;
len = width (p);
q = &q[limit - len];
while (*p != EOS)
*q++ = *p++;
/* leadbl */
leadbl (p)
register char *p;
* delete leading blanks, set tival
register int i;
register int j;
* end current line and reset co struct
robrk ();
* skip spaces
for (i = 0; p[i] == ' ' || p[i] == '\t'; ++i)
* if not end of line, reset current temp indent
#ifdef GEMDOS
if (p[i] != '\n' && p[i] != '\r')
dc.tival = i;
if (p[i] != '\n' && p[i] != '\r')
dc.tival = i;
* shift string
for (j = 0; p[i] != EOS; ++j)
p[j] = p[i++];
p[j] = EOS;
/* pfoot */
pfoot ()
* put out page footer
if (dc.prflg == TRUE)
skip (pg.m3val);
if (pg.m4val > 0)
if ((pg.curpag % 2) == 0)
puttl (pg.efoot, pg.eflim, pg.curpag);
puttl (pg.ofoot, pg.oflim, pg.curpag);
skip (pg.m4val - 1);
/* phead */
phead ()
* put out page header
pg.curpag = pg.newpag;
if (pg.curpag >= pg.frstpg && pg.curpag <= pg.lastpg)
dc.prflg = TRUE;
dc.prflg = FALSE;
set_ireg ("%", pg.newpag, 0);
if (dc.prflg == TRUE)
if (pg.m1val > 0)
skip (pg.m1val - 1);
if ((pg.curpag % 2) == 0)
puttl (pg.ehead, pg.ehlim, pg.curpag);
puttl (pg.ohead, pg.ohlim, pg.curpag);
skip (pg.m2val);
* initialize lineno for the next page
pg.lineno = pg.m1val + pg.m2val + 1;
set_ireg ("ln", pg.lineno, 0);
/* puttl */
puttl (p, lim, pgno)
register char *p;
int *lim;
int pgno;
* put out title or footer
register int i;
char pn[8];
char t[MAXLINE];
char h[MAXLINE];
char delim;
itoda (pgno, pn, 6);
for (i = 0; i < MAXLINE; ++i)
h[i] = ' ';
delim = *p++;
p = getfield (p, t, delim);
expand (t, dc.pgchr, pn);
justleft (t, h, lim[LEFT]);
p = getfield (p, t, delim);
expand (t, dc.pgchr, pn);
justcntr (t, h, lim);
p = getfield (p, t, delim);
expand (t, dc.pgchr, pn);
justrite (t, h, lim[RIGHT]);
for (i = MAXLINE - 4; h[i] == ' '; --i)
h[i] = EOS;
h[++i] = '\n';
#ifdef GEMDOS
h[++i] = '\r';
h[++i] = EOS;
if (strlen (h) > 2)
for (i = 0; i < pg.offset; ++i)
prchar (' ', out_stream);
putlin (h, out_stream);
/* putwrd */
putwrd (wrdbuf)
register char *wrdbuf;
* put word in output buffer
register char *p0;
register char *p1;
int w;
int last;
int llval;
int nextra;
* check if this word puts us over the limit
w = width (wrdbuf);
last = strlen (wrdbuf) + co.outp;
llval = dc.rmval - dc.tival;
co.outesc += countesc (wrdbuf);
if (((co.outp > 0) && ((co.outw + w - co.outesc) > llval))
|| (last > MAXLINE))
* last word exceeds limit so prepare to break line, print
* it, and reset outbuf.
last -= co.outp;
if (dc.juval == YES)
nextra = llval - co.outw + 1;
* Do not take in the escape char of the
* word that didn't fit on this line anymore
co.outesc -= countesc (wrdbuf);
* Check whether last word was end of
* sentence and modify counts so that
* it is right j